24 July 2009


Racial profiling is such a given that I don't see why or how the Gates debacle solidifies what everyone already knows is true.  Being black and male makes you more likely to take shit from police, no question.  But the part of this story that is not getting nearly enough attention is abuse of police power.   The fact that Gates was actually arrested is infuriating, and not [just] because of his race.   The clearest conclusion I make from this?  A cop who feels disrespected is a dangerous person.  If you don't kiss his ass, you can end up arrested on your own front porch.

Jacob Sullum has a great post about this.  Bottom line:
Instead of showing what happens to "a black man in America," the case illustrates what can happen to anyone who makes the mistake of annoying a cop.

Ta-Nehisi Coates is illuminating as well:
When we think about the cops, it's scary, on one level, to conclude that a cop can basically arrest you on a whim. It's scarier still to think that this is what Americans want, that this country is as we've made it.

13 June 2009

a new generation of fierce advocates

Maybe there's a reason to be happy about the Obama Administration's disgusting betrayal of the LGBT community in this week's despicable DOMA brief.

(Info, analysis and reactions here, here, here, here and here.)

This is another wake up call, even bigger than November's.  When Prop 8 passed, gays, lesbians and allies took to the streets in peaceful protest - but the enemy was ignorance, the power and money of right wing and religious organizations, and our own failure to make our case to the California electorate.  It energized us, and in the months since, we have seen tremendous legislative and legal victories, and now six states guarantee our marriage rights.  

Let this be a lesson.  Obama will NOT protect us; he will not deliver on his promises to treat us with respect, and he and his administration have sent out a clear signal that they do not value our dignity as human beings and as American citizens.  

If it's fierce advocacy that we seek, we must turn to ourselves.  We must do the work.  It will never again be enough to cast a vote, to buy a button, or to write a campaign check.  We are the ones we've been waiting for.

04 April 2009

fresh feminism

Thank you, Michelle Obama, for so clearly and powerfully articulating what feminism really means.  Too often no one takes the steps to explain why and how feminism is central to propelling a liberal democratic society forward. Here she is in London speaking at an all girls' school:

(From BBC Channel 4)

Money quote: 
"...because communities and countries, and ultimately the world, are only as strong as the health of the women. Part of that health includes an outstanding education. The difference between a struggling family and a healthy one is often the presence of an empowered woman, or women, at the center of that family...The difference between a languishing nation and one that will flourish is the recognition that we need equal access to education for both boys and girls."

20 February 2009

everybody calm down

Time to chill out -- no serious lawmakers are pursuing a Fairness Doctrine of any kind. It's not going to happen.

Rush Limbaugh's op-ed letter to President Obama in today's Wall Street Journal is a fantasy.

The hysteria over the specter of the Fairness Doctrine can only be coming from two possible places:

1) Confusion and learned behavior: The Far Right is doubling down in anticipation of being completely ostracized and shut out of the public discourse. This is not an unreasonable assumption, considering they were successful in treating left-wing media voices this way when their party was in power, especially from late 2001 through 2003. They have been so conditioned by the political culture they have helped distort and destroy for the last decade that they can't even fathom that Obama is not Bush: Left Wing Edition.

2) Strategy and arm-flailing: As they are plunged more deeply into irrelevance, and as their populist messaging runs up against the hard realities of a severe economic downturn, right-wing demagoguery simply requires new sensational topics to keep the hordes frothing. One can only fill so much airtime professing hope that Obama fails and warning that ARRA makes us a socialist state. The rest of the 24 hours news cycle must be filled with something -- so whatever gaps are left after a few hours of gay-bashing can be filled with dire warnings about liberal conspiracies to muzzle conservative media.

As usual, reality is probably some combination of the two.