21 June 2007

continental clusterfuck

Europe's Leaders Hold Tense Summit - NYT

Highlights include:

The EU is considering a voting system that takes into account each country's population.
But [Polish Prime Minister Jaroslaw] Kaczynski has said Poland wants compensation for the deaths it suffered during World War II, when Nazi Germany invaded. He argues that his country would be a much larger country now if not for the war.

Mi scusi? This is absurd, but first and foremost, completely unethical. Point One. Point Two.

Polish media reported Wednesday that Warsaw had renewed its demand that the new treaty include a reference to Europe's Christian heritage -- something [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel is keen not to include.

John Paul II notwithstanding, didn't half a century of Communism accomplish anything on this front?

Britain, meanwhile, opposes greater EU powers over policing and foreign policy and does not support making a new EU human rights charter legally binding, a move that London fears could hurt its control over domestic laws, like labor rights.

Brussels can't take a stand on human rights because someone in Blackpool might go on strike? I guess it would also fly in the face of tag-team Abu Ghraib parties the special Anglo-American relationship.

All 27 nations, however, agree the EU move quickly to adopt a new rulebook to streamline the complex decision-making system crafted years ago when it was a union of 15.

27. The end.

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