18 June 2007

this is not my theme

I don't wish to come across as an entirely political web log, and I certainly don't intend to make the 2008 presidential election, or Hillary Clinton, major fixtures of discussion on here. I guess it's just been coming up a lot lately.

Below is a letter i posted on salon.com in response to Walter Shapiro's latest article, an interview with the Grande Dame of Chappaqua herself.

Here's a link to the interview.

And here's the text of my letter:

As if her first name is the real issue here...
While I am usually very impressed with Walter Shapiro's writing, and with Salon's political coverage in general, this interview really demonstrates what I see as Salon's biggest weakness in 08 coverage so far: reflexive support for Hillary Clinton.
I'm sick of reading about whether or not "Hillary" is dimunitive, about who is out-fundraising who, and similar such trivialities. We're choosing a Democratic presidential candidate to finally lead us into a new century, and these are the issues we see fit to discuss?
If Clinton wants to sell me on her candidacy, there are a lot of questions I want answered. Save the hawkish posturing, the finger in the wind moderate charade, and the bipartisan talking points for the general election. Barack Obama has not budged from my first choice position because he represents a moving-on in Democratic politics - a new generation. I fear the horrors of the last six years have diluted much of the displeasure many Americans felt at the close of the Clinton years (conservative backlashes don't just happen because of 9/11. If everyone loved Clintonian politics then as they seem to now, Gore would have won handily).
It should be the responsibility of openly left-leaning media outlets like Salon to force Hillary Clinton to address this issue. She gets away with not answering anyone's questions and the last thing we need is another president whose arrogance makes her feel that she is not accountable for her positions and her policy decisions.
She's brilliant and competent, it's true. But does the nation's number one permanent law school overachiever really have a vision for us, and will she ever really come clean about what it exactly entails? Next time you interview her, ASK HER!
-- jeffelavar

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