31 July 2007

give me a break, joan

Gawker linked to this brief interview with Salon's Joan Walsh on MediaWatch yesterday evening.

And Gawker is right: she must be high. I love her and I love the website, but Joan sort of makes a fool of herself here. She is not the most talented writer on Salon, but she is at the helm of one of the better written news and politics sites around. Still, to say that Salon is not liberal is stupid. It absolutely is lefty; it may not speak for all progressives, and it may not identify as movement press, but c'mon.

Also, in her rundown of opinion on '08 candidates, she betrays Salon's apparent and reflexive support for Hillary Clinton, both for the Democratic nomination and success in the general election. This is the one area I've consistently found lacking on Salon. Maybe Joan's refusal to call the site liberal is behind its abdication of responsibilty to scrutinize the front runner from within her own party. Even if we, as Democrats, ultimately choose to support Clinton, it should be after serious critique and soul-searching -- otherwise the conservative media will dominate all discussion about her if and when she wins the nomination. Think of it as pre-emptive war.

Joan, your site is great and I love reading you. But get with the program.

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