20 December 2007

short memory

Joe Conason's article in the New York Observer today, "She's Still in This Race," really misses the mark on a few things. (I concede immediately that his basic premise - elucidated in the title - is entirely correct.)

For example:
It is hard to imagine that the Clinton campaign conspired with Bill Shaheen to introduce the subject of Obama's youthful drug use, or urged Bob Kerrey to blather on about the Sen.'s middle name and Muslim heritage. It is much more likely that both men were simply opening their mouths without thinking too hard about the consequences, which is to say, simply being themselves. Expecting Clinton to control every blurted stupidity of her supporters is unfair.

That's hard to imagine? Does anybody remember the Clintons? This is not about an expectation that Clinton and her campaign should control every word that comes out of operatives' or allies' mouths, but rather an expectation that old habits (and dirty tricks) die hard. After all, Hillary Clinton has been trying to draw our attention to the 90s, so let's not forget some of the political behavior we witnessed during her husband's administration.

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